Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics i need advice on a half stack for my band

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  • #19921

    I am going to get a half stack soon (cabinet and head) and i am looking for the perfect punk rock lead guitar sound. What would you guys prefer to get the sound im looking for? By the way I use a Gibson SG if that affects the sound of the amp..please help!


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    • #115318

      : I am going to get a half amp soon (head) and i am looking for the perfect punk rock lead guitar sound. What would you guys prefer to get the sound im looking for? By the way I use a jackson slsmg soloist if that affects the sound please tell me I bought a behringer cab its 400 watt sterio all the amps I find are too expensive or bass amps I still am in aw that they have no head for there cab I’m thinking of going with roland,line6,orcrate …I really don’t want a tube oh ya that b52 was alright too but I really don’t wana screw with tubes all the time be a pain being in some new city looking for tubes huh thats how I feel anythanks : Jeff

    • #93702

      I personally like my Marshall AVT150 head and cabinet.The cabinet is a slight bit smaller than the average Marshall but it packs a lot of punch through the 4X12 inch 75 watt speakers.It comes with 4 channels-Acoustic simulator,clean,overdrive 1,and overdrive2.Overdrive 2 is sweet and would probably be what you’re looking for.Also on top of that it comes with built in effects such as loads of differant reverbs,delay,chorus,flanger and some that are mixed and adjustable.The cabinet also is designed to handle a lot of punch with bass and directs your sound forward.E-mail me and I will give you a sample of me playing it.

      • #103179

        Hi, could you send me a sample of yur avt150, as i am considering buyin one soon ! thanks, tom. : I personally like my Marshall AVT150 head and cabinet.The cabinet is a slight bit smaller than the average Marshall but it packs a lot of punch through the 4X12 inch 75 watt speakers.It comes with 4 channels-Acoustic simulator,clean,overdrive 1,and overdrive2.Overdrive 2 is sweet and would probably be what you’re looking for.Also on top of that it comes with built in effects such as loads of differant reverbs,delay,chorus,flanger and some that are mixed and adjustable.The cabinet also is designed to handle a lot of punch with bass and directs your sound forward.E-mail me and I will give you a sample of me playing it.

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