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  • #20168

    Is it normal for the whammy bar bridge to lift up when I put new strings on my guitar? If so, will it ever lower as the strings stretch out? If not, how can I fix it?

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    • #102240

      If you are trying to fix the bridge to the body, try putting another spring in. The bridge is going to move up and down when you restring your instrument because of the tension from the neck to the bridge. Of course, a little vibrato can’t hurt much.

      • #109922

        On my 70’s style squire strat the place where you plug it in it won’t hold the patch cord can u tell me whats wrong and help me fix it…. strat stratstratstrat stratstrat stratstratstrat to lazy to finish… strat strat strat strat strat stratstrat strat stratstrat strat strat strat strat strat strat strat stratstrat strat strat

      • #111361

        If you used heavier strings than the originals you have to remove the back spring cover and tighten the two screws on the spring claw. Loosen the strings a little then tighten the screws a little.Re tune and see if it is where you want it. Experiment until you get it set flush.

        • #115084

          if the tightening doesn’t work, I believe that you may need to add springs to the back og the guitar. On my cheap-ass squire there are five slots for springs to keep the bridge locked down. Due to the heavy strings I have on, my bridge will not set flush regardless of how much I tighten the back screws

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