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  • #20476

    the Ovation 2003 Collector’s edition acoustic is marked down to 99 and less at many music stores. It lists for 100. Does anyone know anything about this guitar? Its quality, how it fits into the Ovation line of acoustics, why its discounted so low, etc ?

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    • #115345

      : the Ovation 2003 Collector’s edition acoustic is marked down to $999 and less at many music stores. It lists for $2100. Does anyone know anything about this guitar? Its quality, how it fits into the Ovation line of acoustics, why its discounted so low, etc ? : thanks I have seen it at for $799 and want to know the same about the quality. I contacted Ovation to discover that they are made in their USA factory in Hartford Conneticut. This should be better than those made at their "Pacific Subsidiary" which is in Korea (I think). I don’t know how it compares to their Legend or Elite models. I just talked to the shop where a month ago I bought an Ovation Celebrity. They say that this Collectors Edition is a high quality guitar with solid top (not like the calebrity I bought). The collectors edtion has K-bar neck construction (very strong and resistant to movement when changing from dry to humid conditions etc. I am going to take in the Celebrity and trade up if they give me a good deal on the 2003 Collectors edition.

      • #121090

        Since posting my original post in December, the 2003 Collectors Edition has since been marked down from the $999 to $749. It seems like a lot of guitar for this kind of money ! : I have seen it at for $799 and want to know the same about the quality. I contacted Ovation to discover that they are made in their USA factory in Hartford Conneticut. This should be better than those made at their "Pacific Subsidiary" which is in Korea (I think). I don’t know how it compares to their Legend or Elite models. I just talked to the shop where a month ago I bought an Ovation Celebrity. They say that this Collectors Edition is a high quality guitar with solid top (not like the calebrity I bought). The collectors edtion has K-bar neck construction (very strong and resistant to movement when changing from dry to humid conditions etc. I am going to take in the Celebrity and trade up if they give me a good deal on the 2003 Collectors edition.

        • #123741

          I know this is a late entry but I just purchased the 2003 collectors edition for $675, this guitar is a fatory second. The only thing I found wrong ( and you cant see these unless you get it in the right light and angle of view is correct) with it are 3 minute flaws in the finish below the bridge. the flaws are like little air pockets less than a millimeter in diameter and you cant feel them either they are in the finish. I spoke to the guitar guru at ovation and he assured me everything is as would be if you paid $2100 from a music store. I can vouch for that, I have a really nice guitar. Hope you purchased one. It shipped in the ovation shipping container unopened with hang tags all papers including certificate verifying the serial # 478 out of 600 made with the custom caes all brand new from the factory.. Rock on : Since posting my original post in December, the 2003 Collectors Edition has since been marked down from the $999 to $749. It seems like a lot of guitar for this kind of money ! : : I have seen it at for $799 and want to know the same about the quality. I contacted Ovation to discover that they are made in their USA factory in Hartford Conneticut. This should be better than those made at their "Pacific Subsidiary" which is in Korea (I think). I don’t know how it compares to their Legend or Elite models. I just talked to the shop where a month ago I bought an Ovation Celebrity. They say that this Collectors Edition is a high quality guitar with solid top (not like the calebrity I bought). The collectors edtion has K-bar neck construction (very strong and resistant to movement when changing from dry to humid conditions etc. I am going to take in the Celebrity and trade up if they give me a good deal on the 2003 Collectors edition.

    • #115379

      : the Ovation 2003 Collector’s edition acoustic is marked down to $999 and less at many music stores. It lists for $2100. Does anyone know anything about this guitar? Its quality, how it fits into the Ovation line of acoustics, why its discounted so low, etc ? : thanks I have seen it at for $799 and want to know the same about the quality. I contacted Ovation to discover that they are made in their USA factory in Hartford Conneticut. This should be better than those made at their "Pacific Subsidiary" which is in Korea (I think). I don’t know how it compares to their Legend or Elite models. I just talked to the shop where a month ago I bought an Ovation Celebrity. They say that this Collectors Edition is a high quality guitar with solid top (not like the calebrity I bought). The collectors edtion has K-bar neck construction (very strong and resistant to movement when changing from dry to humid conditions etc. I am going to take in the Celebrity and trade up if they give me a good deal on the 2003 Collectors edition.

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