Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Slash’s 59 Les Paul copy?

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  • #20825

    Can anyone confirm a story that I’ve heard, whether it is true or not that Slash had a copy of his own 59 Les Paul made by a luthier in Toronto, Canada, several years ago, and that he actually used this copy or clone most often at G’NR live shows? Thanks for your consideration and info. Strat Man Dwight

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    • #89515

      hi again, slash’s custom made guitar was made by Kris derrig, who is unfortunately not around anymore. It is mahogany body, flame maple top, with a brazilian rosewood neck, and is a ’58 copy. It is apparently "better than any gibson" -slash’s actual words. the guy who introduced him to Kris was Jim Foote, owner of Music Works guitar shop in california so you may have a chance of finding one of these guys’ creations there. If i can’t get past the damned moderator this time i will stick my head down the toilet and flush it several times. p.

      • #111433

        Last year i bought a guitar from a player in NW London, it was a Tokai LP 79′ anyway, he told me that story as well, and he showed me a guitar he had, well he showed me some pics of it (the guitar was stowed away in the attic), it was made by the same guy who built Slashes LP, and he told me the guy was only contactable on his website, he would never admit that he did copies, remember he put the ‘Gibson’ logo on the headstock which is technicaly a crime, he rarely took commisions to build complete guitars, and mostly ran a guitar workshop, i cant remember the guitar builders name, but Kris Derrig rings a bell, Ive seen Slash live after the split with G’n’R, he was in London promoting his Slah Sig Marshall head, he did a 30 min set and it was drop jaw stuff, he is one great guitarist.

        • #111444

          : Last year i bought a guitar from a player in NW London, it was a Tokai LP 79′ anyway, he told me that story as well, and he showed me a guitar he had, well he showed me some pics of it (the guitar was stowed away in the attic), it was made by the same guy who built Slashes LP, and he told me the guy was only contactable on his website, he would never admit that he did copies, remember he put the ‘Gibson’ logo on the headstock which is technicaly a crime, he rarely took commisions to build complete guitars, and mostly ran a guitar workshop, i cant remember the guitar builders name, but Kris Derrig rings a bell, Ive seen Slash live after the split with G’n’R, he was in London promoting his Slah Sig Marshall head, he did a 30 min set and it was drop jaw stuff, he is one great guitarist. Thanks to ‘ya both for writing. Very informative. Think I’ve actually met the man and we didn’t get along, but it was all a misunderstanding, after I asked "why don’t you put your own name on the guitars?" (instead of Gibson). It was a normal question. Strat man Dwight

          • #124011

            you certainly know the art of ‘Putting your foot in it’ Dwight. I once met the THD man Andy Marshall at a guitar show, what a nice guy he was, spoke to him for about 30 mins on the genius of the EL34 valve, gripping stuff, maybe we could save that for another day.

          • #124029

            you certainly know the art of ‘Putting your foot in it’ Dwight. I once met the THD man Andy Marshall at a guitar show, what a nice guy he was, spoke to him for about 30 mins on the genius of the EL34 valve, gripping stuff, maybe we could save that for another day.

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