Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Gibson Les Paul’s: Classic Or Standard???

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  • #21765

    this summer i want to buy a guitar. and it is going to be either the 2005 les paul standard or 2005 les paul classic. now i want the classic the only thing holding me back from the classic is the bridge and the inlays. i want the nashville bridge like on the standards and i dont really like that yellowish color of the inlays. i am thinking of getting the classic customized to have the nashville bridge and have just the regular pearl inlays. does anyone know ruffley how much this would cost extra? and also give me you opinions on the standard and the classic on which one would be better. oh also, i kind of would like the AA maple top on the classic like the standard has.

    thx 🙂

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    • #66713

      I was in your same exact situation a while ago and chose teh classic. Better by far in my opinion. The sound is clear, loud, and articulate. it doesnt sound boxy like Std’s do (granted its dirtier sounding) and imo its an all around meaner, dirtier rock guitar. i use it for speed metal and it works great. peace

    • #66707

      thats right, they have different necks, you can choose between the necks on a standard but firs you need to try both types to see which one ticks the box, then the pick ups too, the simplest way of doing this is to buy a used one and spend the money you save on customisation.

    • #66727

      about neck, doesnt the classic have a 60’s slim taper and the standard you can chose from a 50’s or a 60’s slim taper? also if i was going to get the standard would it cost any extra money to get it customized just to one of the classic’s finish colors?

    • #66714

      Lee knows more about Gibbo LPs than I do, for sure, but one thing struck me. You don’t actually say why you like the Classic, only the bits you prefer on the std.

      Anyhoo, leaving the bridge aside, you can’t just pull the inlays and have MOP stuck in. A guitar neck has a radius (the Gib is flatter than a Fender, but it still curves). So, the new inlays need to be sanded to the same radius. To do that, all the frets will have to be pulled out.

      I don’t even want to think about buying a classic and then having a carved maple top put in place of the original. Before you know it, you’ve spent more than the original cost of the instrument and killed its resale stone dead. If it’s just the sound, it’s far easier to buy the std and mod the pups. It’s also reversible if you later sell.

    • #66706

      Did you know they both have different necks? and different pickups? so far you have only mentioned the look of the 2 models, nothing about sound or playability.

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