Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar What’s the best site for music and tabs???

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  • #21904

    I’m tired of surfing through hundreds of sites that have WRONG tabs and music. Is there ONE site that’s better than the rest? I’d even be willing to pay a membership fee to a site that has correct information.

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    • #67728

      Like i said in an earlier post a lot of the TAB is very poor, im glad to see a very bad example still exists, couple of years ago i was looking through some of ‘The Kinks’ songs, and came across this unbelievable example here:

      Go to ‘You really got me’ at the bottom of the list on the page.

      Not only is it completly wrong, but the writer has the cheek to state ‘Now wasn’t that simple?’ , So i e-mailed the Website (it was’nt this one, i think it was Olga, but Olga doesnt have it any more) and told them what a hash of a hash this was, and i got the reply back saying if you can do better….either put up or shut up, so i sat down and tabbed it out, sent it off and got a reply back saying it was too acurate and that all the tab on their site had to be a representation of the original song, this is how they get around the copyright, maybe they thought i copied it from a bonified tab book, but i didnt. So although some of these tabs look a bit naff, i think they have to be or they wouldnt make it on the websites.

    • #67752

      [quote=”vitaminE”]I’m tired of surfing through hundreds of sites that have WRONG tabs and music. Is there ONE site that’s better than the rest? I’d even be willing to pay a membership fee to a site that has correct information.[/quote]

      Sites that allow anyone to upload tabs will always have a percentage that are ‘wrong’. This is because they are merely interpretations of the original, someone has listened to a song then sat down and attempted to work it out, tabbing it as they go. Of course, the accuracy of any tabbed translation will only be as good as the ear and ability of the person doing it.

      The problem you then face, is that given the way most sites are operated, it is simply impossible to check how good any tab is that is uploaded. In other words, a tab is uploaded to a site, there is not someone at the other end waiting guitar on lap, to check how good or accurate it is. Even those sites that claim to have, ‘Complete Accurate and Free’ tabs are just honeytraps to get you to view their associated popups by clicking on the link.

      So to answer your question, NO site with public access can ever guarantee you completely accurate tablature. Some tabs will be truthful to the original, but until you play them, you can never know.

      Having taken advice from my eldest who uses tabs a lot, she recommends for ease of use and quantitiy;


      Having opened this page, click on the word ‘Tablature’ top left. There is also an extensive forum facility.

    • #67740

      If you’re looking for tabs go to IMHO its better tha olga because you don’t have to sort through 10 dead links to find the song you want. 70,000+ tabs and growing… not very often do I not find at least 3 versions of the song i’m looking for.

    • #67755

      Tocopherol, have a quick look at b-string’s thread on this forum. I’m a poor specimen of a guitarist, but I thought the site was well-designed and useful for the more advanced six-stringer. Free, too.

    • #67739

      this is the one i always use:
      there are probably better out there, but its free. Some of the tab is bad, but there are sometimes 2 or 3 versions of the song.
      I dont use tab that much so i dont pay for it.
      Anyone else have any sites??

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