Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar I just found a Self Tuning Guitar on Auction – WHAT DA HECK?

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    • #70027

      that is a coincidence.

    • #70047

      Coincidentally, this has also come up on Rocklogicxxx’s “Les Paul” thread. I thought it’s a lotta dosh, too, but Rocklogicxxx uses a lot of tuning-swaps and is considering having one fitted. I’ll flag this up for him.

    • #69991

      [quote=”soundslikemusic”]OK so who knows about this, is it real?
      I am reading their stuff and this looks real credible, though it was a hoax, but holy smokes!

      We’ll it is real and very cool. In 1996 or 1997 there was a right up in one of the guitar mags about Jimmy Page playing this self tuning guitar. What caught my eye was that the company TransPerformance was in Ft. Collins, Colorado and I lived in Denver so I called them up and me and a bandmate went up there. They were in the basement of a house while their shop was being setup, but the let us hang out for several hours and play around with several Les Pauls they had setup. This thing is unreal it can retune the guitar on the fly in about 1.5 seconds!! While you are playing it. Go to the website and watch the movie under the multimedia section. I have it on VHS and it still blows me away evertime I see it.
      It has 144 preset tunings and 240 user tuning locations built in. And can switch between any of the tunings while you play.

      Here is the link for their website.

      No BS they were installing the system in a guitar for Joe Perry when I was there and it really does work. It’s very expensive The cost of the guitar ( Les Paul, Strat, or Tele only) and $3500.00 for the system fully installed.

      Hope that answers your question.


    • #69998

      I don’t know anything about the tuning system but $125 shipping, pleeeeeze. Snifts of ripoff. SB

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