Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Conrad 6 string accoustic value

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  • #22488

    I have a Conrad 6 string accoustic guitar model 40229 in near mint shape. I am interested in selling it but I dont know whats worth and I looked on eBay to compare prices but I found nothing. Where would I look to find the value of it? Thanks, Bob

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    • #75314

      Hi Bob,

      I’m not familiar with your particular model, but from the number it sounds like it was made in the 70’s. Conrads were budget guitars made in Japan and imported into the U.S. by David Wexler of Chicago. There was a flood of Japanese produced acoustic guitars imported into the U.S. in the 70’s so the law of supply and demand tends to keep prices low. Your guitar is probably worth somewhere between $150 and $250 USD depending on how anxious you are to sell it. I have an F series Yamaha that I paid $170 for in the 70’s that is probably worth about the same amount today. Good guitar, poor investment. SB

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