Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion For Sale / Wanted To Buy MY EBAY AUCTION 1997 GIBSON ACE FREHLEY * 1$ / NO RESERVE *

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    • #75440

      Most contributors here (so far) are not buy/sell types. I didn’t mean to get at Pam specifically, but it could end up with every seller (theoretically) posting a headsup on this site.

      That could be a bore. I look at Fleeb anyway, and afterwards I come here for thoughtful, analytical discussion, debate and insight. It never happens; but that’s always the hope 😆

      Personally, and it’s just my op, I don’t think we need an auction-selling section. Fleeb are doing a rubbish enough job and coining it for no effort so why help them along? I think posters here should use a bit of restraint, but I can see that an unusual guitar is of interest to the forum.

      I’ll leave close calls to The Mike; but I’ll happily whack the “Beginner Guitar and Practice Amp” spam-posts if they ever do crop up 🙂

    • #75407

      Maybe a separate forum area for “take a look at my auction” type threads? How do you all feel about that?

      Edit: Poll in regards to my above question at

    • #75448

      Just as importantly, Pam, this is

      It’s not really bandwidth for dealers to flag up their eBay auctions. I appreciate that your guitars are more interesting than the average; but I don’t think it’s what this site is for. I’m thinking “slippery slope”, “thin end of wedge” and other cliches, but I could be wrong. Am I too uptight? 🙂

    • #75404

      How are the volume and tone pots assigned on a three-pickup Les Paul? And how about the pickup selector is that a 5-way, or is it still a three-way and perhaps there’s another way of selecting the middle pickup?

    • #75422

      Sorry, the middle pickup gets in my way. Guess Ace has more skills than I. SB

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