Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar and Chinese Scam Sellers

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  • #23032

    I browse through the pommy eBay a few times a week – not to buy, just for a look.

    It seems the guitar section is now out of control with bullshite fake 1 day auctions from China and eBay has not done a single thing to put a stop to it.

    I know for one a few of us here have contacted them numerous times and it’s a case of them not being even slightly interested. To report every scam auction now would just be a massive waste of time.

    Sure the buyer needs to use common sense and it’s pretty obvious not to buy from these scammers – but even still, some fools have to be getting done over.

    I firmly believe that eBay should not be responsible for its users – but it’s the reported scams that eBay UK doesn’t act on for whatever weak reason that is pathetic.

    /Rant Over/

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    • #68854

      [quote=”Michael”]I browse through the pommy eBay a few times a week – not to buy, just for a look.

      It seems the guitar section is now out of control with bullshite fake 1 day auctions from China and eBay has not done a single thing to put a stop to it.

      I firmly believe that eBay should not be responsible for its users – but it’s the reported scams that eBay UK doesn’t act on for whatever weak reason that is pathetic.

      /Rant Over/[/quote]

      It takes the a day to read the e-mail Mike.

    • #68840

      Mike, as you know I’ve been trying to get these scam hijacks squashed. I was told by eBay UK that an auction will not be stopped on my say-so because “the original seller may have given permission for the pictures and text to be used”

      Yeah, right. I’ve now started messaging the original sellers. Strangely, Fleeb always asks for a security code when I do this. Anyhoo, I often get a message back from the (legit) UK or US seller, thanking me and saying they’ve complained to eBay. Days later, the same hijacks reappear.

      eBay do not care in the slightest that people lose money bidding on scams because Fleeb rake it in anyway. They only act when other sites (such as G-site) flag up their general uselessness.

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