Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar I think is a blues

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    • #69124

      Thanks Tim, I was trying to make a blues, but without the clasic structure and whithout the famous chord progression. The rhythmic guitar was a little inspired in the work of ZZ Top, for the lead guitar I was thinking in Mark Knopfler and BB King, but I always have a metal and clasic base in all of my compositions (I was a flamenco and clasic guitarist and I played electric guitar in metal and punk groups. ________ [URL=]Essential Vaaapp Vaporizer[/URL]

    • #69113

      Hey, listened to your track and I’m afraid I have to agree with 601, It’s not Blues. A lot of Bluesy phrases in there but it doesn’t seem to flow. I all ways think of Blues as a pattern of starting points when I play, gives the track a structure which I can then do what I want with. That said, I do like the track and personally I like the way it builds up throughout the song.

      EDIT: because I really shouldn’t post while sat on my drink-induced high horse!

    • #69115

      Hi, thanks for your opinions.

      About the intro, I had try to change it, but I was looking for it, for a repetitive and a progressive melody, bored and long, creating a uncomfortable ambient, finishing in a powerful crash for next, start the real song.

      For the vocals, at the first time I was thinking in a Louis Armstrong kind of voice, but when I recorded it, I did’t like the sound of the global song (High tones are impossible for my Louis Armstrong voice, and chorus didn?t convince me). But I?m not sure with the new voices so I?ll try compression and overdrive.

      Thanks. ________ [URL=]WEED VAPORIZERS[/URL]

    • #69105

      thats certainly bluesy guitar soloing away there and the backing is also taken from old blues numbers !!!!
      i listened to the whole thing , including the very long intro , which i feel was wayyyyyy too long dude !!!’
      8 mins is a long time in music , unless your watching a symphony !!!

      the vocals needed to be turned up a little as they werent very clear !
      try a compressor and maybe experiment with a little overdrive !

      overall it was a good track tho’!

      but the whole length should be shortened by at least half !!!


    • #69092

      I like da song, however it may be new age, but it ain’t da BLUES

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