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  • #23210

    We gets sent massive amounts of spam and thankfully I don’t have to look at any of it. However, I accidently opened this one and nearly pissed my pants laughing (which is nothing compared to 1bassleft’s recent confession in the Bass forum.) Here’s the picture included:


    He’s going to show me how deep the rabbit hole is? c’mon

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    • #72189

      Paul Anka covering Bloodhound Gang’s Bad Touch.

      nah seriously, ummm, Peaches.

    • #72173

      It’s a pity more women don’t contribute to fora such as this (I know; staring at a screen typing rubbish is a lot “sadder” than standing next to another girlie spouting rubbish, so don’t tell me 😆 )

      I was wondering what amounted to the best “blue sound” song. Contrary to what some fantasizing, personal-hygiene-problem, blokes may think; it isn’t Whitesnake’s “Slide it in” or AC/DC’s “Big Balls”

      In my “before I got fat” yoof, a song like Patti Smith Group’s Because the Night could change the mood markedly (and welcomely). Not in my own collection, that one (and no wonder John McEnroe’s hair gets greyer by the year). But even a barking, bassleft-owning track like Mad as the Snow by Kitchens of Distinction or Aikea Guinea by The Cocteau Twins turned out to be great mood-music.

      Just out of interest (no, seriously, I have a Mrs Bass now – just out of interest), any other ops on songs that hit the spot and why? Can’t be just lyrics – ever listened to Cocteau Twins? Can’t make a darned word out. Can’t be the singer’s looks, either (judging by “Kitchens”). Yes, minor keys, blah blah, we all know that. Anything else?

    • #72155

      haha. It’s all healthy and natural, even with the assistance of Mick Jones, a guitar and a little bit of swing. All natural.

    • #72185

      Oh, I definitely think there is a “blue” sound 😆 Unpromising dates can turn around with the right song. I was once in a band with a singer who used to crack me up with his bizarre, personal questions.

      Mick once asked me if I (like he) ever noticed that my “rhythm” varied according to the song being played? Apparently, his girlfriend had commented on it…

      Given that he had a taste for “Boston”, “Foreigner” and (when he was going for it), 80s-era Springsteen, I felt a real need to change the subject (barf). Still, in the interests of science, I did wonder what the result would be of playing “Eye of the Tiger” in his house if he had a pedometer taped to his backside…

      dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, duddle-um dum dum, dum, dum

    • #72186

      It’s a very interesting subject. The brown and pink sound that is, not the blue pill. Actually, is there a blue sound? I think you can gather what it is from this thread.

    • #72190

      I believe the bloke in the picture is called Warren (groan).

      Thanks for drawing attention to the bass category. You’ve got me worried about what I might have confessed to, now. Unless it’s that “brown sound” one you’re referring to. That was just involuntary stuff caused by factors beyond my control. I gather these “secret weapon” establishments are trialling it out as part of their non-lethal warfare programmes.

    • #72198

      Nice looking lady though–too bad she’s a drawing lol.

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