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  • #23354
    Guitar Expert

    by Dirk Hagemann

    This time we’ll take a step further from the minor pentatonic and the
    Blues scale you’ve learned before. It’s important that you know all
    pattern the minor-pentatonic-scale and that you can play them smoothly.
    With the major scale you have another tool to enhance your guitar
    licks and solos.

    I’ll spare the theory stuff. Important to know is, that the
    major-pentatonic-scale consits of the same five patterns like the
    minor-pentatonic-scale. But they are played in a different order
    because the use another scheme for the keynote.

    But don’t panic. Below I’ll show you an easy way to learn the major
    pentatonic scale!


    Pattern 1 of the minor pentatonic scale = Pattern 5 major pentatonic scale


    Pattern 1 of the major-pentatonic-scale = Pattern 2 of the minor
    pentatonic scale

    e   |---|-x-|---|-x-|
    B   |---|-x-|---|-x-|
    G   |-x-|---|-x-|---|
    D   |-x-|---|---|-x-|
    A   |-x-|---|---|-x-|
    E   |---|-x-|---|-x-|

    Learn all five patterns in the new order like you learned the minor
    pentatonic scale. Like the minor-pentatonic scale lessons we practice
    them in the key of A!

    The Major Pentatonic Scale in the key of A!

        1st Pattern
    Play it from the high E to the low E string and back
           2nd Pattern
    Play it from the high E to the low E string and back
          3rd Pattern
    Play it from the high E to the low E string and back
         4th Pattern
    Play it from the high E to the low E string and back
          5th Pattern
    Play it from the high E to the low E string                             

    An easy way to learn the Major Pentatonic Scale

    As you might have noticed the last pattern of the major pentatonic
    scale is the same as the first of the minor pentatonic scale.

    An easy way to learn the major pentatonic scale is this:

    1. See where the 1st minor pattern is located (eg. in the key of E on
    the 12th fret).

    2. Then go 3 frets down the fingerboard (eg. key E on the 9th fret)
    and play the minor scale from there instead from the 12th fret.

    3. This way you might play the minor scale patterns, but you use them
    3 frets down with the notes of the major scale!

    I´ll explain it once more, so that you know what I mean (English is
    not my mother-language and I´m not sure if I made it clear):


    The minor pentatonic scale in the key of A starts from the 5th

    Move it down 3 frets and play the 5 minor patterns them from

    But now you use the notes of the major scale!

    For more exercises and GuitarPro files for this lesson visit:

    From the 12-Bar-Blues, the Shuffle Rythm and the Blues Turnarounds to
    the Blues Scale, from Lead Guitar techniques to Slide guitar lessons
    and much more. For each Lesson we have images, GuitarPro files and
    midis to listen to. Or download all lesson & files as an ebook!
    PLUS: mp3 Blues Backing Tracks/Jam Tracks and Ebooks!

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