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  • #23398
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Xpresense has announced the first public demonstration of its wireless audio effects controller – the WAGT (Wireless Audio GestureT) – at the upcoming NAMM Summer Session, July 14-16, 2006 at the Austin Convention Center (booth #189). The WAG is the first product to break the proverbial ‘chain’ that has bound guitarists and other performing artists to foot-operated effects controllers and the associated limits on artistic expression. It delivers more control over the creative process than ever before.

    “Effects on demand” best describes the WAG experience. A guitarist slips the WAG ring on a finger of the strumming hand and uses subtle movements of the finger to control and orchestrate the effects gear connected to the WAG base unit. The WAG is designed to offer artists a complementary technique to their playing styles, provide a new skill set to master, and open up a whole new level of expressive possibilities. The WAG’s real-time sensing and wireless transmission provides continuous, note-per-note, nuanced control of the entire effects chain, while leaving the artist free to perform and interact with the audience as the moment dictates.

    The ring comes in standard sizes, is rechargeable, and provides a full day’s worth of use. The base unit provides ports for MIDI out and expression out (two forms of variable resistance) plus emulated switched relay. The WAG works right out of the box. Fixed presets enable artists to immediately begin controlling their effects. A rich set of features enables the artist to configure how the WAG base unit interprets the finger movements and controls the interconnected effects gear. Users can change the control parameters on the fly, and save them as user presets that can be recalled later. To ensure a personalized experience, each user calibrates the WAG to a desired range of hand motion. A revolutionary dynamically adaptive trigger system enables advanced artists to map behavioral signatures to effect chains. No matter how distinctive your style, the WAG can adapt.

    For more information, please visit

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