Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Bob Zabek….????????

  • Creator
  • #24407

    Best guitar player….?
    NEVER heard of that guy, as far as I am concerned..what about you?

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  • Author
    • #79134

      clean hammer-ons. A lot cleaner than his armpits. Of course, he plays better than I do and it would be churlish not to say so, but… so what? Youtube and history is littered with these people. At least, when it was down to just history, you never heard of them unless you lived next door to their bedroom. I await a good song/tune (but I’m not holding my breath).

    • #79118

      I had actually heard of him before and guess what…he sounded exactly the same then. Other than the scales used what is blues about it? (apart from the token ’emotional’ bits at either end)

      Technically amazing, clearly very dedicated, not very nice to listen to.

      …and I assume Jack Daniels was also responsible for the backing track, nasty.

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