Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Is Learn and Master Guitar Really the Best?

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  • #24811

    hello everyone. i am trying to learn how to play on a crappy old guitar i had laying around and i want to learn a little bit before i invest in a better guitar.

    it looks like i can really learn a lot here and i will definitely use this site to my advantage, but i was wondering if anyone has any experience about learn and master guitar?

    i have been doing some extensive research and it seems like there are quite a few people out there claiming that it is the best. here is one of like 100 sites i found that had it ranked the best: learn and master guitar

    i realize it is pretty expensive but that is not an issue for me if it is actually a good program. thanks in advance to everyone who offers me some guidance here.

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    • #127196

      Learn and Master Guitar actually garners really high ratings. It is a great method, and the most important thing is prob. the members only forum were members can post their problems as they progress to more experienced players and to the author of the book.
      You will want to get it while it is on sale though. I think ight now for $100 off.
      I think it is truly in a league of it’s own when it comes to completeness and overall methodology.

    • #78629
      Slow-Hand Steve

      I’m not sure I agree with you Slacker. I too started with a crappy guitar, just as everybody else I know. And yes, your fingers will hurt a bit (but they will anyway), and yes everything you try to play will sound awful. But that’s just because you’re a beginner, not because you’re not using the right guitar.

      As far as I’m concerned, you should mature into a good guitar and you should earn it. So if my boy decides that he’s going to be the next big rock star, I’m not going to buy him a $1000 axe. That would be crazy. I’m going to find the cheapest, probably used and banged up, guitar and let him show me that he’s serious. And that’s the same thing most parents will do.

      mrocks, I’m familiar with the ‘learn and master guitar’ course and I don’t think it’s all that great. If you’re still looking for the best course, you should probably check out this one:

      I’ve seen a lot of guitar courses, but this is probable the best one.

    • #127194
      Slacker G


      I do not know about that program, but I do have some advice I would suggest to anyone starting out.

      1 Get a guitar that is easy on your fingers. ie Strings close to the frets.

      2 Make sure you really like the sounds that come from it. Even when you only pluck or strum the strings open. You’ll need that inspiration.

      3 If you have an electric guitar, make sure you can get a sound out of it that tweaks your interest. Don’t just purchase any amp. Find one that suits you by making a test run with your axe, not something that the store owns.

      Reasoning. I have seen many parents purchase a “cheap” guitar just to see if the kid wants to really play it. Of course he won’t. It will hurt his fingers, sound like crap, and be totally un inspiring. They quit in short order, having been sabotaged by their well meaning parents.

      You play for your ears. try to please them first and the inspiration to get you over the “dry” stages will stay with you.

    • #127195

      In true stuck-record style I would second (or third…) all of that.

      My last set-up caost £20 UK and instantly meant that: a) I sounded better and b) I enjoyed playing more, so I played more…

      The first guitar I ever had access to was a Nylon string Classical, with a huuuuuge action…it was about 10 years ’til I tryed to learn again after that experience. (I did eventually use it as a mould for a concrete sculpture, so some good came from it 😀 )

      I think some of it comes down to what you respond to best…maybe try and get a free trial of some software then compare this to a few sessions with a teacher…personally I learn better one-on-one with a human, nothing else holds my interest enough to learn from it.


    • #127192

      Hello and welcome, both mrocks and RavenT. mrocks, if you have a scroll down the list of threads or use the search here, you’ll find a couple of older threads on guitar tutor methods that should interest you. The program you mention is specifically discussed.

      I’ve read very good reviews about it but you do mention it is very expensive (it also probably the most comprehensive of its type). First piece of advice is that this program does often have up to 50% discount as a promotional offer, so look around and keep an eye out regularly for the saving.

      The other point is that you mention the guitar is a bit old and crappy. RavenT is right that a really bad guitar (particularly if the action – the distance between the strings and the fingerboard – is high) can make playing difficult. Is it an acoustic or an electric? Might it be worth having it set up? It’s not very expensive even if you take it to a guitar shop to be done but ask around at work or people you know to see if a guitar playing acquaintance can do at least the basics for you. Myself, I would go for a cheaper introduction, either a book, DVD (and don’t forget that having a few lessons with a genuine human is worth considering). If you get into it, you’ll be in a position to figure out whether to spend the money on the program or if you’re better off buying a nicer guitar first.

    • #127193

      Hi I am new here and I just happen to see you inquiry about the program that you want to get. In my opinion any book, video or software is good only if you do the exercises given in them. The only way to master it is to practice as much as you can. An hour or so a day even if you do it ¼ to a ½ hour 2 or t 3 times a day is better then not practicing. And remember sometime a crappy old guitar is better; you might need to get it adjusted if the action is too high. Many new guitarists have give up because they were trying to play on a poorly adjusted guitar. Here is a few links that might clarify what books or learning methods that you might find interesting and may take advantage of the learning materials
      They have. And remember that guitars just love to be played with.

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