Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Sada Yairi Handmade guitars?

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  • #24871

    Message posted by: Wade Holiday
    From: [email protected]
    IP address:
    Subject: Re: YAIRI GAKKI LTD.
    Message: I moved this from the other site, and included the post I replied to w/ the question. Thanks for info and opinions.

    My wife has a guitar her father gave her. he had worked in japan, but i don’t know anything about the acquisition. it has a singed S. Yairi and says handmade on the tag. AD 1973, classe 8900. we are rookie guitar players and she had wanted a new one for her bday as shes getting into playing and things this one has bad vibes from a estranged step father… worth anything if i sell it? quality if we keep it? thanks Wade

    : :Reply::I too own a SADA classical guitar that I bought a few years ago. Mine is a No./ clase 300 that was made in 1980. To date I have not been able to find anything out about the maker. When I first bought the guitar I thought I would use it as a practice guitar because I’m a bit of a guitar junky and I wanted to preserve some very expensive guitars I own. As it has turns out the SADA is now my favorite guitar. My other classicals all have unique and great sonic qualities and all are masterfully constructed (I own a Hasselbacher, a Ruck, a Sahlin, and a Rodriguez), but the SADA has such a beautiful warm expressive tone that I keep picking it up to play. Whoever built this guitar did an incredible job of making it very musical. My other guitars are considered world class and they are: each of them was the best sounding/playing guitar I had experienced at the time I bought them. So, I was very surprised when I found this guitar by an unknown maker that is equally as world class. If you ever find anything out about SADA please let me know. Regards. : Reply: The S Yairi series are some of the world’s Stradivari of classical guitars especially the clase 300 series in which they cured the wood and bracings in a similar ritual. Anyone who owns any S Yairi instruments, should not consider selling them. These are Japan’s legacy secret that has not unfolded yet, except in a small inner sanctum of the International Guild of Nippon Lutheirs. Protect, Honor, Love and most of all play them. Some of the most warmest Balanced tones have been created with these exquisite instruments. With the correct configuration and string weight and tunning, the S Yairi’s can actually cry at times ! Hense SAD or SADA . The Instruments with the S Yaira hand signed and label that states “HANDMADE” are of extreme value. One must first start your journey to the town of Nagoya Japan to find the mystery and truth of where the dynamics of this guitars tone originates from. Will update this site as permitted. : ~PAZ

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  • Author
    • #79898

      I own a 1973 Sasa Yairi Gakki classical guitar. It is in very good condition with few scratches. Tone is beautiful. Original pieces.

      Sadao or Sada Yairi was a guitar maker and guitar manufacturer from Nagoya, Japan who was active from the 1960s to the 1990s. He sold guitars under a number of labels including Sadao Yairi, Yairi Gakki, S. Yairi, and Sada Guitar.

      The consensus is that Sadao and Kazuo Yairi are cousins who learned guitar making from Kazuo Yairi‘s uncle or dad, also named Sadao Yairi. The older Sadao, had worked as a guitar and violin maker at the Suzuki, Takehuru factory in Nagoya and then later opened his own business, Yairi & Son, which operated until about 1970-71. Nagoya is one of Japan’s long established guitar making centers.

      In the late 1960s Sada and Kazuo went their own way and began making guitars under their own label, with Sada establishing S. Yairi guitars in Nagoya and Kazuo.


    • #79507
      Mark Myers

      I am an avid collector of sada yairi guitars.
      I am also researching the history of sada Yairi and his guitar making legacy.
      Please view

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