Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Lefty with a question…

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  • #24943

    One of my guitars is an Epi LP Standard. Being lefthanded I have never had the oportunity to play a Gibson LP until recently. I came across a guitar shop in Houston, Texas that caters to lefthanded players (I was in Heaven!). The guy at the shop pulled a Gibson LP Standard off the wall and told me to have at it. It was a great guitar, I played it about 20 minutes. I’m no luthier, so my question is…

    What is the difference between the two guitars that makes the Gibson 3 to 4 times more expensive? They seem so similar to me. I’m sure it’s a quality issue, but what specifically?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Author
    • #75834

      Yes, I’m a lefty bass player. My guitar playing ability is so bad that I couldn’t justify an Epi, never mind a Gibson and my Indian-made Sunn Mustang is better constructed than my chords. I have one decent bass, though, and it’s noticeably better sounding than the cheaper backups.

    • #75808

      Will do, 1bassleft. My decision is made. My bonus in December will determine if it becomes a reality. Your nickname here makes me ask if you play lefthanded too?

    • #75768

      Keep us informed about your decision, Mike – whichever way you go.

    • #75818

      Lee… Thanks for the reply. I figured it was a quality thing but had no idea of what. You were very helpful. I may go back to that shop now and buy that thing. I really liked it but wasn’t sure if it was worth it.

    • #75849

      Some Epi’s have a bolt on neck, the hardware on the Gibson is higher quality, the pickups are different (better) .
      The wood used on a Gibson is a solid single peice of mahogany for the body (well most built after 76 were) Some Epi’s have maple necks, thinner bodies, and of course that gibson name on the headstock is ever so slightly different.
      On paper Gibsons shouldn’t play that much better than Epi’s but they do.
      is it worth shelling out 4 times as much on a Gibson?? oh yes, i think Gibsons are worth every penny.
      Buy used Gibsons and sell if you ever get bored of them and you wont lose money (so long as you buy a sensible model and colour).

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