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  • #25311

    I am 24. I play guitar, but not as good as I’d like.

    I have an acoustic guitar. None of my friends are musical. I like lots of different kinds of music. I want to play music. I want to come up with my own style though. I hate the idea of lessons. I hate the idea of theory. I prefer raucous and untamed expression – like not following parameters.

    Conformity actually does scare the sh*t out of me. By and large, I hate the public. I hate everything about society and god I just want to express it through music. I also hate the internet and forums. Oh, I should say, I’m not a punk or anything – I would say I’m a little naturally dandy-like(and not because it’s popular, I’ve always been. Grew up with sisters). Although I hate all those things, I have a job and boring f**king responsibilites. I want music to be the outlet. I don’t have the patience to learn it on my own and I didn’t go to college.

    If there’s anyone out there who also roughly fits that description, is roughly my age, would like to improve their guitar playing and who wants to take all the things that they are f**king angry and frustrated with and turn it into something – and who is in or around Glasgow, PM me. No weirdos please. No pretenders. I don’t mean to insult, but I know that most forums are full of them.

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