Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Guitar Identification Help Needed

  • Creator
  • #25320
    Wayne Bell

    To Anyone Who Can Help,

    I am very frustrated in as much as I own a beautiful J. Walker guitar that I am told doesn’t exist. Here’s what I mean. This guitar was purchased at Cam Rahn Bay Vietnam in about 1971 by a very good friend. This friend gave it to me in about 1974. I still have it. If you cover the head of the neck it looks exactly like a Gibson Hummingbird. It’s the red sunburst type color. The bracing under the face of the guitar is the X style. It has a very fast neck and a very strong built ax. The model number of this guitar is #680. However, here is the problem. I wrote to the J. Walker guitar company in Montana and they said their company wasn’t even in design in the 70s. I am trying to learn more about this guitar as in who built it, were it was built and so on. Can you help me? My email is [email protected].

    Thank you so much for your help.

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