Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Mako guitars: MIJ, MIK, or both?

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  • #25571

    Can anyone verify that early Makos were made in Japan? I’ve seen that theory touted since it was speculated on this forum by Bud in 2003. If you read that post carefully, though, he admits he was guessing. The only thing I know for sure is that later Makos were a budget line made in Korea. Another misconception is that you can distinguish the better Makos as having Grover tuners, but according to a 1980 Mako catalog, Grover tuners were an option available on any of their guitars (except the TB1&2). BTW, I have two Makos that are nicely made, and three that are clunkers. I’m trying to accumulate S/N info, but not yet enough to see any patterns. If you have S/N or other info, please share. I’ll gladly share what I know. Comments welcomed. Regards, Al

    alanwcollins at gmail dot com

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  • Author
    • #78658

      Its a small market for Makos, so I wouldn’t recommend buying one to try to make a profit by reselling. If you plan to keep it and depending on its condition, I think $125 was a fair price. Not my favorite model, but to each his own. Regards, Al

    • #127465

      Do you have any idea what these guitars are worth? I found a TR-2 in local pawnshop for $125 but can’t find out if it was a good deal. Know anything about the TR-2?

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