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  • #35519
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Livewire 1350AM, a student radio station broadcast from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, has made the decision to completely ban music star Pete Doherty and his bands, Babyshambles and The Libertines from the airwaves. The action has been decided after a string of confirmed gigs at Norwich’s premier rock venue, UEA’s LCR were cancelled.

    Babyshambles were due to first appear in the UEA LCR on 31 July, this gig was cancelled. The gig was then rescheduled for 2 October, however this gig did not take place either on account of Doherty’s arrest in Shrewsbury on 1 October. Finally the gig was rescheduled again for 14 October. This final gig was axed when Babyshambles announced the cancellation of the final 3 UK tour dates due to their ‘heavy touring schedule’ (NME, 14.10.05).

    No apology has been given to thousands of disappointed fans, and no date for another rescheduled gig has been proposed.

    Livewire’s station manager, Alan Milford, announced the ban with the following statement:

    “Livewire’s music archives are crammed with the best new music on offer, and every single band has worked hard to gain the support of new fans. Live events are what music is about — something Doherty appears to have lost sight of by cancelling numerous gigs at UEA.”

    “Livewire members gathered together to vote on a proposed ban of all music involving Pete Doherty yesterday afternoon. The final decision was unanimous — everyone was in support of the ban. As we are one of UEA’s largest student societies, the message to Doherty is clear.”

    Livewire urges everyone to support their ban fully.

    This is not a personal attack on Pete Doherty, more a plea from disheartened fans of Babyshambles who have faced disappointment on three occasions.


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