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  • #23457

    Dont you just hate it when the radio DJ takes it upon himself to decide when the song he is playing has ended?
    for instance:
    Hotel California- why do they always assume the song has ended when the solo starts? i want to listen to the SOLO!!
    other instances:
    Another brick in the wall, Baker street,
    The biggest insult i ever heard was a ‘Radio-edit’ of Smoke on the water, it had no solo in it!! they had scrubbed it off!! ive got a copy on MP3, could’nt beleive it.
    And they do it to great intro’s too, ‘January’ by Pilot, Crosstown Traffic.

    Bas**rd radio presenters.

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  • Author
    • #74071

      Only one thing worse than an elderly police officer, and thats a retired police officer.

    • #74078
      Gordy Smiff

      I checked out “youngwasps” posts, and, 😯

      An elderly police officer no less. Nuff said.

    • #74037

      No, that honour goes to ‘youngwasp’ do a search on any of his 50 posts, they are all in the top 50 most tedious all time snorers.
      Wheres the sleeping pills?

    • #74046
      Gordy Smiff

      All radio stations, including those funded by the glorious BBC, are restricted by an agreement that goes way back into the mists of broadcasting history, lovingly known as “needle time”.
      Basically the idea was to help keep costs down, less music=less royalties.

      I doubt if it’s particularly relevant today, but as places like the BBC move at a glacial speed, it aint gonna change soon.

      Back in the day when your average pop song was about two and a half minutes long, it probably wasn’t so noticeable.

      Do I win an award for most boring post?

    • #74087

      Over here Mike, we have something called the BBC, ad free channels, not a sniff of an ad, we pay for it through a license fee and they still talk over or cut short songs with interesting endings or intro’s, they just love the sound of their own voices.
      I think it all started with a UK DJ called Dave Lee Travis, or DLT as ‘He’ used to call himself, always went on and on about his ducks….Radio Snooker, and Radio Darts, what the hell? i want to listen to music!! and he had a beard! i was 18 years old, how could i connect with someone who sports a beard? it’s no wonder Top of the Pops died yesterday, DLT and his chums killed it off 20 years ago.

    • #74042

      Floyd and Lynyrd just aint radio material, spesh for kids these days. Zero attention span, plus it ruins their 5 ads every 3 mins format.

      Another is cutting In the Air Tonight.

    • #74082

      Freebird??? how very dare you!! i think you said that as a wind up Mike.
      Have you heard the BBC Old grey whistle test live version?
      Goes on for a breathtaking 8.32mins, its jaw dropping stuff.

      Im with you on the James C*nt whining whinging pom.
      not too keen on the Asha stuff, so they can talk all day over that nonsense, and they never talk over the ads do they?… um nothing like a good rant.

    • #74076

      They never edit any bloody James Blunt but do they. Every bit of his 3.22 minutes of non stop whining is there.

      One I heard the other day which really shited me off was an entire section of Brimful of Asha cut. Wasn’t the Fatboy Slim remix either. They just decided to remove the 40 or so seconds of …. “Mohammed Rafi – forty-five. Lata Mangeshkar – forty-five….”

      It’s an integral part of the song, you can’t just slice it up. Jackasses.

      Cutting Freebird short I understand.

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