Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Accident & Emergency Are you afraid of bears ??

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  • #23689

    This Got Sent To Me In An Email

    [quote]If you go out in the woods today
    You’re sure of a big surprise.
    If you go out in the woods today
    You’d better go in disguise.

    For every bear that ever there was
    Will gather there for certain, because
    Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic[/quote]

    Guess people should pay more attention to the first two paragraphs of the Teddy Bear’s Picnic song

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    • #128013

      Sounds like a great place, though, Mike. Usually, when I hear “Arkansas” and “Wildlife” in the same sentence, it’s the old governor up to his tricks.

    • #128011

      I have a little house (cabin might be more accurate) up in the woods in Arkansas, and little black bears are pretty common. “Little” is a relative term, though. Twice as big as a German Shepherd, and a lot more teeth! Heck, we have bobcats up there, and I wouldn’t want to run into one of those in an angry mood, either. The deer are numerous, the wild turkeys walk across our porch on a regular basis, armadillos dig up the yard, possums and raccoons are around all the time.

      Sometimes living close to wildlife is closer and wilder than I would prefer!

    • #128012

      😯 12′ 6″! or maybe they just put the head in the extreme foreground to make it look huge…interesting to read how wrong this ‘report’ was, I’ll have to do more reading at
      That said I wouldn’t want to meet a conventional 10′ bear either, when I was in Canada I was shooting (Photographing, I’m not a hunter, I’m an ‘Artist’!) a big thingy (Moose or whatever…) the last photo is of it’s eyeball which is when I reallised it was starting to nudge the truck…and rock it quite a lot, we left then, funnilly enough.
      I had a similar experience at a safari park with a rhino but we were in a good old Landy…

    • #128010

      the second photo is not related to the first, if I recall my correctly.

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