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  • #21598

    Hello, I am a senior at a vocational high school. For my senior project I am making a electric, stringless, touch sensitive bass guitar emulator. I was hopeing that some of you would like to help me out. Part of the process for my senior project is to create and distribute a survey. If you could take a moment of your time and please answer some questions just go to Advanced Surveys and take survey number 22299. Thank you very much.

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    • #57422

      😯 good call, im thinking you could steer this baby more toward the
      ‘cameo’ type bands, you could incorperate this device into the old nut protector or jock strap, practicing bass scales will never be the same again, tuning up would take forever, Word up!.

    • #57401

      Lee, not exactly what I was saying 😆 . Apols for typos, but I’m writing this with one hand as I’m still on the floor laughing.

      FWIW, I think the target market for this kind of instrument is as a trigger for the drum ‘n’ bass types. MIDI compatible or straight to PC.

    • #57427

      i think what 1bassleft is trying to say here is, if you only have 1 arm, and you have no interest in bogey pursuits, never did like that fancy nancy boy palm muting, always play at a constant volume, and dont mind looking a bit of a wilf, then the stringless-headless-fretless bass is the baby for you…. i think.

    • #57396

      Minuteman, I filled in the survey and viewed responses, including all textuals. So, I hope you don’t mind a few critiques that you might want to bear in mind.

      Q14 got a lot of stick, and rightly so. You should have a clickbox for “have learned to play bass” and put this Q (along with 13) earlier in your survey. Once you make a respondent pause and say “Wha?”, you’ve lost the flow of automatic answering. In fact, Qs 13-15 suffer this problem.

      Q6 Doesn’t really help you. It only gives you an idea of how the respondent rates him(her)self. Apart from a beginner, who will click on (1), and a sight-reading pro in the pit, who will click on (9), you end up with a classic Gaussian Distribution Profile. Everybody heads for 4 to 6. I suspect you have a low “5” score because many respondents were students and they avoided the obvious mean.

      Q 10 if it were worded “Does bass guitar have any limitations when writing music?” would probably reverse your %s, even though the Q is essentially the same. Use of language is important for a straight yes/no answer.

      Q 19 – Did you miss out the word “stringless”? If so, it looks like Q 17 anyway. If Q19 is as you meant it, you should put it earlier (

    • #57404

      Although I am a constant and consistent nosepicker, and the idea appeals for that reason, I can think of some problems. Even with my limited technique, the tone of the output can be massively altered by use of the plucking hand. In my case, this is my left hand (1bassleft – geddit?) and I’ll use plectrum, thumb, fingerstyle and slap in that order of preference. Some songs really demand that I step out of my plectrum comfort zone and use a different style to fit the tone (I haven’t even mentioned bridge damping).

      I also make use of pull-offs with my right hand ( 🙄 , I know what you’re thinking. I do not pick my nose with my left hand and pull myself off with my right hand. Not on stage, anyway 🙂 ) to increase speed and, sometimes, because it makes the note sound right. Again, I wonder how a stringless allows this. There is more to good bass playing (or even just my bass playing) than just producing the correct note. Still, I shall click on your link and go through the survey. I hope my responses are of some use.

    • #57388

      Hey 1bassleft, is tihis the way forward?? a fretless, stringless bass? one hand to play it, of course the other hand does lots of pointing ala Spinal Tap.
      ‘Yeah but this amp goes up to 11, thats one more’

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