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  • #21758
    Guitar Expert

    by Tom Hess

    Let me tell you a little story. Playing guitar never came easy to me when I
    was younger. I didn’t possess anything that resembled, what some would
    call, “Natural Talent”, or at least I didn’t think so. When I attended
    college to study music, I had been out of high school for four years. I was
    an average student in high school and was very afraid that I might not do
    well in college since college work is supposed to be much harder than high

    On the first day of classes at college, I sat in my music theory class and
    noticed that the room was completely full of other students who were
    pursuing degrees in music. I felt intimidated to know there were 50 other
    people who had played the piano, flute, violin or clarinet longer than I had
    played guitar. Virtually all of those students could read music well and
    understood more about music theory than I did then.

    Later that week, I went to talk to my music theory professor about my concerns regarding my fear
    that I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do well in the class. He said to
    me, “Most people who go to college to earn music degrees never make it far
    enough to get the degree. Some fail the music classes. Some drop out and
    change their major as they come to realize music is one of the hardest
    degrees to get, so they decide to change their major to something easier
    (like business, accounting, etc.). Less than 25% of the students in this
    class will finish their second year of college as a music major.”

    I must have seemed very nervous standing there listening to all of this. He
    continued, “The ones who make it and become real musicians are not always
    the best players, not always the most intelligent people and not always the
    most creative ones either. No. The students who make it are always the
    ones who have significant desire in beyond what the others have. They have
    the persistent, relentless drive to become a musician and the solid work
    ethic to back it up. These are the ones that virtually always make it.”

    It took several days for all of what he said to really sink into my mind. I
    was not one of the people with the best grades while in high school. There
    were other students that were better on their instruments at the time,
    compared to where I was on guitar back then. When I entered college I could
    barely even read music!) But I was absolutely convinced that I DID have the
    intense desire to become a real musician (more than just a decent guitar
    player) and had the persistence and work ethic on my side. I began to feel
    very confident that I could do make this happen, and earn the music degrees,
    and then go beyond that to teach guitar, write my own music, release my own
    CDs, start my own record company, and tour the world. I didn’t know how I
    would get there yet, but I took it step by step until all of that actually
    did happen for me.

    At the beginning of the first semester there were about 50 music majors in
    my class. At the start of the second semester, there were less than 25.
    When third semester began the number shrank to 11. At the end of four
    semesters, only 6 of these people actually graduated, Mike Walsh (the other
    guitarist in the HESS band) and myself were among the 6 who made it. We all
    went on to transfer to various universities to ear the next music degree.
    All of us who graduated had intense motivation and drive to become excellent
    musicians. There were other students that did not make it whom I thought
    were highly intelligent and creative and were really good players of their
    instruments, but they lacked the main things that really matter in the end:
    The passion, the drive, the sheer determination to get through it all.

    It been years now since I finished college. I’ve reached the musical goals
    I set for myself back then. YOU can do the same. You DO have potential far
    beyond what you have achieved so far. The vast majority of you probably
    don’t have any idea what your true potential really is. Over the years,
    I’ve had many excellent students. But the ones who went the farthest in
    music (and those who are happiest about their playing) are the people I was
    able to convince that WE ALL possess massive amounts of potential. All we
    need to do is obtain the right tools (this is where a good teacher comes
    in), learn how to apply them (this is where a great teacher comes in) and
    have the desire and work ethic to make it happen (this is where YOU come

    Rule number 1: Don’t try to learn on your own. Don’t try to learn solely by
    looking for free tab or lessons on the internet! If that was all one needed
    to succeed, there would be thousands of new rock stars in the world today.
    Sure there are some really good web sites out there that do have real
    quality on them. Think of these things as aides, but understand that they
    can never be a true substitute for a great teacher.

    Rule number 2: Becoming a great player is a long term process that requires
    thousands of hours of your practice time and years of learning. It will
    take far too long to reach your goals without a teacher. A good teacher
    can/should save you years of aimless practicing, by teaching you HOW to
    reach your goals faster and better. Please read my previous articles on
    Choosing a Teacher and Do You Really Need a Teacher.

    Rule number 3: Besides working with a teacher. Know what steps
    you need take on your own to become the player you want (and can) be. I
    won’t repeat all of those things here. Please read my article: Why Aren’t
    You a Better Guitarist?
    It explains all the main things I believe every
    player should do to reach his/her full potential so if you have not read
    this one, do it now.

    Rule number 4: Do not lie to yourself. Don’t tell yourself
    that you are really going to put in the time, effort and money to do this if
    you know really deep down that you won’t. If/when you decide to invest in
    yourself and commit to reaching your goals, do it! See it all the way
    through until the goals are reached. Stay focused, motivated, disciplined
    and hungry!

    Rule number 5: Second only to “Fear”, procrastination is the
    worst enemy to your moving forward to get the real results you want.

    Most people that consider themselves to be truly happy, are the
    ones that moved forward towards their goals. They are the ones who did
    significant things to get the results they wanted out of life. Most who
    fail are the ones that gave up too early and didn¹t give it 100% of their
    effort. Where will you be in one year? In three years? In Five years?
    In eight years? In fifteen years? Hopefully, you will be able to say you
    are “Happy.”

    All rights reserved @2005 Tom Hess
    Used By Permission

    Tom Hess is an internationally renowned virtuoso guitarist and teacher. Visit:

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