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    Bassist Brad Andress of the up-and-coming rock group Close To Home was recently diagnosed with a deadly form of cancer while on tour with his band across the U.S. Andress, 20, was told he would die when flu-like symptoms brought him into a hospital after a show and it was discovered he had a seven-inch tumor on one of his lungs. That lung was removed, but Andress will still have to undergo an additional surgery to see if the cancer has spread.

    To aid Andress in his fight against cancer, a benefit show is scheduled for April 22nd in the band’s hometown of Cincinnati, OH. Two tickets and on-stage seats to the Warped Tour in Cincinnati are also being auctioned off by the T.J. Martell Foundation, with proceeds going to “Brad’s Fight For Cancer Fund.” Kevin Lyman of the Warped Tour/Warcon Records is auctioning off a signed guitar to help benefit the bass player as well, and Quicksilver, Atticus, Chipolte, Drum Connection, Cinderblock and Vater Percussions are all making donations toward the cause.

    Andress was already a cancer survivor of the deadly disease liposarcoma, for which he received treatment less than a year ago, but he now faces another battle. “They say I’m going to die. At first, I was so scared after hearing it, but I’m going to be okay, I’m going to fight this. I did it before, I will do it again,” he says. “All I want to do is go back on tour.”

    To make a donation to “Brad’s Fight For Cancer Fund,” visit Close To Home’s website at or contact Christina Ahadi at [email protected]. Andress can be emailed directly at [email protected]

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