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  • #21888
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Innertide Media, a not-for-profit project, is giving everyone who has been inspired by PINK FLOYD, a chance to be involved in a unique conceptual art & music experience, while helping aid a good cause.

    YOU are being invited to express your talents, interests, & individuality to the world. Participants from all over the world will be collaborating in and/or attending this ‘grassroots’ exhibit & benefit, set to take place in Late Summer 2005 in lovely Peterborough, England.

    “THE GREAT FLAG UNFURLING” is a gift from PINK FLOYD devotees to Pink Floyd; members, retired members, “bleeding hearts” and artists. As a way of showing our appreciation for the outstanding gift of music, art, inspiration and insight, that they have passed onto us.

    We understand, from experience, how very important Pink Floyd is to many of us, and we would like to give you the opportunity to express your individuality, while uniting interests with other individuals, from around the world.

    All Pink Floyd fans are being asked to represent themselves by submitting a unique personally handcrafted flag or banner.

    You are not required to attend the event to be the most important part of the exhibit. YOU may also be eligible to collaborate with the exhibit.

    Each flag will be individually hung. Each individual flag, (as well as the entire display of flags) are considered a piece of art. The panoramic countryside, being the backdrop.

    Full details at
    Flags must be recieved by June 11th, 2005.

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