MP3 is a music format with great CD like quality sound. You can download songs from the net (or make your own) and play them right on your computer and they sound fantastic! MP3 stands for MPEG 1 layer 3, which is a way to store music files on a computer disk in such a way that the file size is relatively small, but the song sounds near perfect. You can indentify mp3 files because they will end in .mp3 MP3 is a standard for compressing audio sounds or music on a computer.  It is better than other standards mainly because it has a high compression ratio (12:1) and can output CD-quality sound (44kHz, 128kbits/sec).  So where a full 5 minute song would normally take up ~60Mb at a 44kHz sampling rate, it only takes ~5Mb using MP3 compression, with no noticeable loss in quality.  Also check out the great page of MP3 links on “Great Guitar Sites on the Web”

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