is a site for searching and saving all your tabs and chords. It also allows users to export songlists, setlists and songbooks.

Users can search for chords, lyrics and tabs at It is also possible to add their own tabs and create their own music library. allows users to pull up any song for viewing and for filtering of chords, tabs and lyrics. Finally users can export their music in its entirety or in a group to create set lists, songbooks, and songlists of all of the tablature that was created, on the fly. It is a tab, lyrics and chords sharing site.

1 thought on “”

  1. Sweet!!!

    This site rocks!!! Can’t believe I didn’t know about it until now. Get all of your tabs/lyrics into this thing and you can manage your whole songbook. Great for performing musicians. Export songbooks, PDF’s, set lists, etc. Check it out. Been using it now or a few months.


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