Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Fender Stratocaster sound balance issue

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  • #25166

    Something I’ve noticed with my Stratocaster is that if I’m playing high up on the neck (above the 12th fret) and then drop down, I lose a lot of volume and resonance, and I’m wondering if there’s anything that can by done to get a more even sound throughout the neck.

    I generally play at high volumes using just the bridge pickup with no distortion and the tone knob turned up, which really exposes the drastic reduction in volume from high to low on the neck. I can’t figure out if the unevenness is related to the pickups/electronics, or the neck, but I’ve heard this can be common with strats.

    (In case its relevant, it’s a mid 90’s Mexican strat with Seymour Duncan aps-1 staggered pickups in it.)

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing you’re thoughts…

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  • Author
    • #77457

      Maybe increasing the Mids on the amp would make a difference? Could just be that your highs are more accentuated but I don`t know if you`ve already tried this?

    • #127303

      Ive not heard of this before, but i would start by giving the guitar a good basic setup, get all the pickups a standard distance from the strings, changed the strings, also check the wiring, make sure its all standard, then just try swapping out the neck pup for the bridge, if it seems to be quite a common problem on strats the try screwing down the trem unit or putting a block on it.

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