Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Framus giutar made in Bolivia with serial number sold as Antique

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  • #19722

    Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werkr giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan

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    • #83837

      Susan I have a 1970 framus 6-string, it’s actualy my fathers, but if you get a buzz for the 3rd string,its most likely that your finger is about a milometer to close to the fret. there’s probably no way of fixing it other than care full fingering

    • #87081

      : Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werke giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan

      • #90134

        i’ve been to gruhn’s , and their best guess was 500 dollars and upwards. they couldn’t find any info on it. i recently had it in to gibsons high end shop (in nashville) and the guys said they absolutely love the sound . you might want to hang on to it til you find out the real deal on it . i’d like to hear more about yours as i’ve never seen one like mine. i’ve had along time .thanks , Dana

        • #111462

          : i’ve been to gruhn’s , and their best guess was 500 dollars and upwards. they couldn’t find any info on it. : i recently had it in to gibsons high end shop (in nashville) and the guys said they absolutely love the sound . you might want to hang on to it til you find out the real deal on it . i’d like to hear more about yours as i’ve never seen one like mine. i’ve had mine along time .thanks , Dana

      • #92597

        : : Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werke giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan

        • #97049

          : : : Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werke giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan They’re nice guitars, I own two of them, one twelve string and one six string. The buzz could well be from a warped neck, they have truss rods in them. It’s worth fixing. Take it to a good guitar repair shop, have them look at it. Good luck. By the way, it is Bavaria, not Bolivia

          • #111292

            : : : : Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werke giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan : They’re nice guitars, I own two of them, one twelve string and one six string. The buzz could well be from a warped neck, they have truss rods in them. It’s worth fixing. Take it to a good guitar repair shop, have them look at it. : Good luck. By the way, it is Bavaria, not Bolivia *WRONG BUD* I also have a Framus – Werke guitar that i picked up at a Garage sale. I myself am looking for some info on it. But, You are correct sue they were made in Balivia..or at least thats what mine says!!! E MAIL ME PLEASE!!!!

      • #91565

        Susan: The Framus company is just a little over 50 years old, so I don’t think this guitar qualifies as an antique by the normal definition of something that is over 100 years old. The Framus company is in Markneukirchen, which is in Bavaria. Perhaps you are reading Bavaria as Bolivia. : : Has anyone ever heard of a Framus Werke giutar made in Bolivia Germany. Gorgeous giutar needs work. Bought as an antique it does have serial number. Any info???? would be appreciated. Oh, it’s steel string accoustic.Can’t figure out where the buzz on from the 3rd string is originating from? Thanks a Bunch Susan

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