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  • #21830
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    It used to be a frustrating experience for any modern day guitarist to try to re-create the great sounds of those historic rockabilly recordings we all love so much with Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry and others.

    Not only was the information about the recording sessions hard to find, but if you did get lucky you hardly had a chance to figure out how to re-create those sounds with affordable modern day equipment.

    Vince Gordon, editor of The Rockabilly Guitar Page on the internet, took it upon himself to gather that information in one place, free for all to dig into.

    ‘When I started out playing guitar (ed. 1979) I was desperate to find out what gear Elvis’ guitarist was using and later, how Brian Setzer got his sound’ Gordon said in a recent interview. ‘From looking though tons of magazines, asking just about everyone and having the luck to meet people like Scotty Moore (Elvis’ guitarist through 14 years) and Carl Perkins I finally found out many years later’.

    His long career as a guitarist and recording engineer also made it possible for him to pick best-buys on guitars today for people on a budget and for those with money to spend.

    Vince Gordon has now put all that information on The Rockabilly Guitar Page. It’s all there, right down to what gear was used on the most famous songs, like ’Be-Bop-A-Lula’, ‘Mystery Train’, ‘I Walk The Line’, ‘That’s All Right Mama’ and ‘Maybellene’.

    The Rockabilly Guitar Page is a free internet resource offering insight into what gear was used on legendary rockabilly recordings and professional advice on rockabilly gear including vintage and new guitars and amps. The editor, Vince Gordon, is a professional guitarist/singer/recording engineer. He’s mainly working with his rockabilly trio The Jime whose latest CD “It’s Still Rock’n’Roll To Me” was the best selling rockabilly CD for six months in a row on Nervous Records UK’s international sales charts.


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