Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Help me identify a part on a guitar–Thanks!

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  • #25089

    Hello everyone, I am trying to sell a guitar on Ebay and am trying to figure out what the name of the little white thing that raises the guitar strings up off the guitar is called. On this guitar it looks like it was attached at an angle and is not straight. I wanted to mention that as a few other guitars I got in (for a consignment) do not look like that–they are all straight across. I do not know anything about guitars and any help you might give me would be much appreciated. Thanks so much! Angela


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    • #76934

      [quote=”magnus”]It is normally referred to as the saddle, or the saddlebone.

      On this particular guitar, the bone is shaped in a way to make each string intonate optimally, which is achieved by adapting the length of each individual string, to compensate for the differrences in the diameter of the strings. So, this guitar has a “compensated saddlebone”.

      Good luck selling!
      It looks nice, what brand is it?


      Very well put.

    • #76950

      It’s the bridge saddle. The little offset part is common on newer guitars to compensate for intonation problems with the b-string. Although you could get away without it, an experienced player might notice. D

    • #127267

      It is normally referred to as the saddle, or the saddlebone.

      On this particular guitar, the bone is shaped in a way to make each string intonate optimally, which is achieved by adapting the length of each individual string, to compensate for the differrences in the diameter of the strings. So, this guitar has a “compensated saddlebone”.

      Good luck selling!
      It looks nice, what brand is it?


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