Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Hernandis” Guitars vs “Antonio Hernandis” Gui

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  • #24796


    I am really new to the guitar world, so I am here to get information. I recently visited Sherry-Brenner LTD in Chicago and looked at his Hernandis guitars with the price tag ranging between ,000-,000. With a price tag such as this warrented further investigation. Subsequently I have come across a whole slew of negative reviews regarding James Sherry and his guitars.

    My question is are the guitars he sells as “Hernandis” different from the Antonio Hernandis guitars or are they the same guitar. I am somewhat surprised to see all the negative information out there regarding the over inflated price he charges and the scam from the 70’s yet he continues to sell these guitars at 000….I am trying to get correct information on the matter. So, if anyone has information they can refer me to I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you

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