Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Norma FG-10 acoustic

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  • #35598

    I have a Norma FG-10 3/4 sized guitar that was bought from Sears and was my Crhistmas present when I was 11… I think. That would have been 1971. The nut was so high that it killed my fingers and I gave it up. Years later a guitar playing uncle removed and shaved the underside of the nut to lower the low end of the action. I still have it and am going to re-glue the nut give it new strings and let my kids learn on it. Could have save myself almost $200 if I had looked at it first and not bought my son a Squire MC1. Oh well, my 5 year old dughter can have the FG-10.

    BTW is this thing worth more now than the $40 or so my Mom paid for it?

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  • Author
    • #71559

      Sounds like a US fighter jet.

    • #71602

      FG-10 sounds likea Yamaha knock off.

    • #71553

      I thought it might be a copy of the Fender FG-10 (a lot of Sears stuff was Fender-copy) and unlikely to fetch much. I’m probably right but, in my trawl of the ether, I found this little nugget. Who’d’ve known that your Norma was the first guitar owned by Jefferson Airplane? Something to tell the kids, anyway 🙂

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