Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Celestion G12S-50

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  • #35601

    I had an older crate cab I picked up a while back that I just took the back off of to see what was inside and it was the above speakers. I can’t say I’ve heard of anyone looking for this particular model so I’m wondering if I should replace them .Any comments? The few comments I found via google were that it was a good metal speaker (not interested in that anymore) .

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  • Author
    • #79137

      My CMI/Marshall Superlead/bass head was a revelation when I swapped the cab’s drivers out and installed ultra-modern Aliconed things. I play bass, of course, so don’t take too much notice. Except that a speaker shouldn’t be thrown out unless you’re sure it’s no use. Incidentally, I liked the Alicones so much I immediately threw the replaced drivers in a skip. A pair of Fanes, that doubtless would’ve netted me more cash than I’d spent on the replacements. The days before eBay, ah…

    • #79110

      Will do! I’ve got that jtm45 clone coming today to start on.Perhaps that will work out well with that cab 😆

    • #79135

      I think the opposite. Those power-handling Celes had bigger magnets to handle all the watts the leather-trousered guitar heroes were throwing at them. I’ve been anti “vintage” speakers for a while but now cottoned onto when they work well with certain amps and guitars. Some meatier drivers work well for other apps; like bass or EMG-equipped shreddermeisters. What they sell for on Fleeb never worries me. If you can use them, do so. If not, bung them at some kids for free. Drivers sell for nothing these days, unless they’re the usual Holy Grails.

    • #79139

      Actually the son was running them thru a SS head . I thought it was kind of trebley but it could have been the head. I guess the S designation is for S mall magnet. Saw one on ebay that went for $19.99 if that helps any 😛

    • #79125

      Have you tried them with any heads yet, myfoot? I’d imagine they’re more similar to the newer G12T75s than vintage stuff. Might go well with a 6V6 amp. If you don’t like them, a descn of how they sound would help.

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