Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar News Weekly Guitar News Weekly Archive The Pentatonic-Scale – Pattern 5

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  • #23244
    Guitar Expert

    Click here to read part 1
    Click here to read part 2
    Click here to read part 3
    Click here to read part 4

    Well, probably the most used Scale in improvising is the Pentatonic
    Scale. The Pentatonic Scale consists only of 5 Tones and it exists
    in a major and minor type…

    5th and last Pattern: You made it!!!

    Like the first patterns we stay in the keytone A. And this pattern on
    the fingerboard looks like this:

        14 15  16  17     OR    2   3   4   5
    e |---|-x-|---|-x-|     e |---|-x-|---|-x-|
    B |---|-x-|---|-x-|     B |---|-x-|---|-x-|
    G |-x-|---|---|-x-|     G |-x-|---|---|-x-|
    D |-x-|---|---|-x-|     D |-x-|---|---|-x-|
    A |---|-x-|---|-x-|     A |---|-x-|---|-x-|
    E |---|-x-|---|-x-|     E |---|-x-|---|-x-|

    Remember: The notes from the 1st, 2nd.. fret are the same as from the 13th, 14th… fret

    Practise: Play the second pattern from the the high E-string to the low E-string and back

    e |-------------------------------15-17-|-17-15-------------------------------|
    H |-------------------------15-17-------|-------17-15-------------------------|
    G |-------------------14-17-------------|-------------17-14-------------------|
    D |-------------14-17-------------------|-------------------17-14-------------|
    A |-------15-17-------------------------|-------------------------17-15-------|
    E |-15-17-------------------------------|-------------------------------17-15-|
    e |---------------------3-5-|
    H |-----------------3-5-----|
    G |-------------2-5---------|
    D |---------2-5-------------|
    A |-----3-5-----------------|
    E |-3-5---------------------|

    Now you know all five patterns!!! Practise them, until you can play
    them easily and smoothly!

    Practise: Move the patterns on the fingerboard into other keys!

    Now we take a look how the patterns can be connected on the fingerboard:

    1 = Notes from Pattern 1
    2 = Notes from Pattern 2
    1/2 = common notes from Pattern 1 and 2.
    3 = Notes from Pattern 3
    2/3 = common notes from Pattern 2 and 3
    4 = Notes from Pattern 4
    3/4 = common notes from Pattern 3 and 4
    5 = Notes from Pattern 5
    4/5 = common notes from Pattern 4 and 5

        5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16   17
    e |-1-|---|---|1/2|---|2/3|---|3/4|---|---|4/5|---|-5-|
    B |-1-|---|---|1/2|---|2/3|---|---|3/4|---|4/5|---|-5-|
    G |-1-|---|-1-|---|2/3|---|---|3/4|---|4/5|---|---|-5-|
    D |-1-|---|-1-|---|---|2/3|---|3/4|---|4/5|---|---|-5-|
    A |-1-|---|-1-|---|---|2/3|---|3/4|---|---|4/5|---|-5-|
    E |-1-|---|---|1/2|---|2/3|---|3/4|---|---|4/5|---|-5-|

    Important: The notes from the first twelve frets repeat themselves
    from the 13th fret (that means that the notes of the first fret are
    the same then on the thirteenth fret etc.) That means that you can
    play the pentatonic notes from the first fret on.

    For more exercises and GuitarPro files for this lesson visit:

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    the Blues Scale, from Lead Guitar techniques to Slide guitar lessons
    and much more. For each Lesson we have images, GuitarPro files and
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