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  • #23853
    Guitar Expert

    Hi again, fellow twanger, sorry I missed out last week.

    Kirk’s Weekly Guitar Lessons

    I uploaded a nice fingerstyle original this week which I’ve called ‘C Breeze’ because it’s in the key of C, it’s a breeze to play and it has a nice, pleasant sea breezy vibe to it.

    Click here to go to the ‘C Breeze’ lesson.

    I’ve also done a lesson on transposing and using a capo, topics that come up time and again. To ‘transpose’ a piece of music is to change its key, to shift all chords, notes, melody and bass lines, from one key to another.

    Using a capo is not quite the same but requires the same procedure … the big difference is that by clamping a capo on the neck you wind up using different chord shapes as if you’ve transposed the piece, but you remain in the original key.

    Click here to go to the ‘Transposing and using a capo’ lesson.

    Guitar for Beginners and Beyond Community

    We’re on our way to 23,000 members and growing at an alarming rate. GfB&B has become the place to upload mp3s and movies of your playing, whether you’re just showing off or seeking feedback. There sure are some talented players out there! The forum is also a goldmine of guitar information, from playing tips to theory to gear reviews … and of course well over 130 free movie lessons. If you’re not already a member, come join up and join in!

    PlaneTalk – The Truly Totally Different Guitar Instruction Book/DVD

    PlaneTalk continues to enlighten and reveal the ‘trick’ to turning the maze of strings and fretwire that is the fretboard into well worn, friendly, familiar territory from nut to soundhole. I think this week I’ll just let a few customers speak for me …

    “Kirk lays it out in a way that’s unbelievably simple and understandable. I’ve read a lot of other instruction books and stuff on the web, and nothing else has ever explained it so logically, elegantly and simply” — Stratrat

    “I just see a WHOLE new WORLD opening up!!! PlaneTalk has opened my eyes and EARS to a lot of things. Thanks again!” — Kalo

    “Thanks Kirk, I’ve looked at so many ways of looking at the fingerboard over the year and I’ve finally come to the conclusion that your method is the most logical. Not to mention that it leads to a much more melodic sound that running through just scales and licks.” — Andrew

    “This is one heckuva system…I have just started learning guitar since last June. I was at a point of ripping my hair out to grasp a system, spent countless screen time looking and reading others! This one is so simple and extremely well explained…Kirk is a freakin’ genius!” — Gabemeister

    That’s just a sample … read more here. It seems that I really did come up with a very succinct way of explaining how music works and how to literally see it — chords, melody and harmony — stretching from one end of the fretboard to the other, ready for the twanging. If you’re at the stage where you want to take full adavantage of the fretboard and start inventing your own lines, riffs and licks and be able to solo over any old chord progression without once thinking ‘what scale should I use?’, then you’re ready for PlaneTalk. It will teach you the most powerful music/guitar lesson you’ll ever learn. I know that sounds superlative, but it’s true. Visit the site and read all about it here.

    Slide Guitar in Standard and Dropped D Tunings

    The mindset and fretboard map I describe in PlaneTalk actually comes form a ‘Eureka!’ moment I had years ago when looking into playing slide guitar in standard tuning. I had already been playing slide for many years in the more traditional open tunings, but I got tired of playing all the clichéd lines and licks that open tunings almost force upon you. I decided to look into standard tuning so I could play normal guitar but throw a few slide lines in to spice things up. I soon discovered that standard is a great tuning for slide. I then tried dropped D (just the bass string) and found it even better. If you’d like to learn all about the art, you’re in luck … I recently finished a 70 minute DVD going into it all in great detail. Listen to some of my slide tunes and learn more here.

    OK, that’s me for this week, enjoy the lesson!


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