Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Info. Wanted Regarding Vintage Yamaha FG-260 12-string….

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  • #25818

    I purchased a Yamaha FG-260 in the mid 70’s.
    The Label inside says: Yamaha FG-260 – Republic of China – Made in Taiwan

    Inside, where the neck meets the base, it has a ser# of: 058871 (after the 1, it has a weird symbol similar to a Y?

    I tried using your website search engine, and when I punched in the model with & without the dash in it, it said “no match?”

    I am interested in selling it. It is in near MINT condition. Can you tell me an approximate value?

    I am especially curious as to what that weird “Y” symbol is after the serial number??

    Thank You!

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