Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Information on Seville acoustic guitar model W48

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  • #25506

    I have a Seville acoustic guitar which used to be my father’s. He bought it from a friend of his at least 15 years ago, and doesn’t know much about it. It’s in good shape, has a beautiful inlay on the back, and rosewood fretboard with mother-of-pearl inlays. It has a wonderful clear sound. I was just talking to my dad about taking it into a music shop to have the action adjusted and he said he wasn’t sure it was even worth it. I was surprised and said I was sure it must be worth the 0-5 it might cost me to have it fixed. That inspired me to do some Googling, but thus far I can’t find any information on any W-model Seville acoustic guitars. Anybody know where I should start my searching?

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