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  • #23214
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Joe Barden pickups are available again with the emergence of a new company, Joe Barden Engineering. The company has retained the best of what the former Joe Barden Pickups Inc. offered, while at the same time making changes in company structure and management.

    Joe Barden remains with the company that bears his name and brand. As Chief of Technology, Joe will drive new product development and oversee quality control. Administration, management, marketing, and day-to-day operations of Joe Barden Engineering™ are headed by one of Joe’s long-time collaborators, Frank Troccoli. Frank assumes the role of CEO and brings solid business experience and education to the company along with prior experience in the musical instrument accessories industry.

    “We watched the continued demand for Joe’s pickups during the time they were commercially unavailable. It was very encouraging to see that level of interest still out there. That’s why I thought it was a good time to open a new company to leverage the interest in the pickups and allow Joe to continue development of other new and innovative products. We have spent a lot of time looking at how to best restructure and grow this new business and put the company on a sound financial and operational footing,” said Frank Troccoli.

    “These [pickups] are the real deals,” said Joe Barden. “They are exactly the same pickups that I have been making since Danny Gatton and I first started working together. I am making sure that we maintain the same quality and performance that players expect from my pickups. We still handcraft our pickups in the USA. They’re a bit more expensive but as always, these pickups blow away any of the knock-offs, making comparison to them pointless.”

    Further information can be found at

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