Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Kingston KEG-2?

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  • #21993

    Hey. Recently I went down to Long & McQuade (our local guitar store) and on their sale rack I found a cheap red Kingston KEG-2 for 9 (Canadian dollars; not sure what the US equivalent is) It was in decent condition, other than the paint being sort of cracked. Needless to say I bought it, not knowing much about it. I took it home, and plugged it in, and it would have to have the coolest sound ever. It has two single coil pickups and seprate on/off swtiches for each pickup. It has a trem (the whammy bar was missing at time of purchase). It’s not a locking trem, but whenever I palm the bridge for some vibrato, it still stays in tune.

    This is by far the best purchase I ever made in my life. Anyone know any thing about it? (The script on the headstock looks about mid-80’s style, but I’d say the date of production could range from 1980-2005)

    Thanks 🙂 Any help would be appreciated.

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    • #70017

      Hey Bass, this guy beat your sun mustang £40 effort!! and can you state that the mustang is ‘the coolest guitar ever!!’ Bass you realy should have consulted us before the purchase, thats what we are here for….. 😆

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