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  • #21788
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Line 6, manufacturers of the world’s first modeling guitars and amplifiers, has announced the launch
    of Variax Workbench, the first interactive, virtual custom shop available
    exclusively for Line 6’s Variax 300, 500 and 700 electric guitars. This
    unique product provides guitarists with their own interactive guitar custom
    shop with all the tools needed to easily create, store, and share guitars
    they’ve completely customized using a computer.

    Variax Workbench provides access to an amazing collection of pickups,
    controls, and bodies allowing guitarists to mix and match parts to create
    their ideal tone. In real time, guitarists can listen to and tweak the
    placement and settings of each until they’ve come up with a guitar that is
    truly unique and meets their creative needs.

    “With Variax Workbench, guitarists can easily create unlimited custom
    guitar models for the Variax,” said Marcus Ryle, senior vice president,
    product development, Line 6. “Ever wonder what a single-coil pickup would
    sound like on a hollow-body tuned a whole octave down? Probably not. That’s
    because it wasn’t a reality … until now.”

    In addition to the customization of bodies, pickups and sound, guitarists
    will also be able to create and store custom tunings. Now the T-model setting
    can be in Open G, the Spank model can be tuned a half-step down, and the
    Lester model can go to Drop D.

    Guitarists will be able to create, store, share and backup thousands of
    guitar models using Workbench’s Librarian. It easily keeps track of their
    custom guitars, stores them on the computer’s hard drive, makes them
    e-mailable to others, or can be used to create a CD-ROM backup to load
    customized guitars and tunings into any Variax. Workbench enables guitarists
    to fill each slot on the Variax Model knob and five-way switch with a custom
    guitar of their own creation.

    Variax Workbench is a combination USB interface and software package that
    allows guitarists to see and hear the physical changes to their custom guitar
    in real time. It is compatible with both Windows PC and Mac OSX computers. A
    software only version will become available at a later date for Vetta II and
    PODxt Live owners.

    Variax Workbench Pricing: MSRP 39.99


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