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  • #23863
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Virtual Media Promotions, Inc. has opened the doors of a new Web 2.0-style service that caters to the needs of independent musicians, fans, and the industries that support them.

    The concept is called MusicWorld3D, and the company is offering a number of free, advertising-supported services, including a free interactive virtual 3D chat environment with live and recorded music and video streaming, instant messaging, and games to play, as well as free hosted websites and virtual homes for musicians and bands, and an online forum where bands, industry persons, and fans can interact and collaborate.

    The company was created by independent musicians and fans and is dedicated to helping them promote themselves using this new platform and combination of technologies. They hope that by combining these approaches, their musicians can network, collaborate, find new fans, and generate sales by being introduced to new areas and new people. They also have a 24-hour, 7 days a week internet radio station, allowing independent artists air play that they may not get with regular FM stations.

    This also provides a platform for advertising they feel is like none previously produced. Between live show intermissions and radio commercials, virtual billboards and signage, and virtual stores and venues, they hope to likewise provide advertisers with a great deal of flexibility in how they communicate with the community.

    They already have set up relations with a club in Melbourne, Florida, called the Metro Underground, to stream live video of the bands that play there into a virtual theatre inside the virtual reality world. Concerts are usually held there Friday and Saturday nights at approximately 9-10pm EST and lasting until about midnight.

    They are also developing a new CD format that allows the independent music fan to interactively view videos and images, and link to artists’ websites, as well as listen to their music using their standard Windows PCs.


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