Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar New User Reviews Site for Guitarists – 00 Giveaway

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  • #24687

    Hi there.

    I just wanted to invite you guys to check out the new user reviews section at I am a guitarist, and have been working on this project for the last 6 months or so. It’s been online for a few days only and people have already submitted a few reviews. I am very excited to see where it goes. I would like to know what you think, it would be great if you could check it out. I am not a company, just a guitarist as I mentioned, and I could use all the feedback I can get.

    You can check it out the new section here:

    I have tried to make the site as practical as possible. Some of its features include: keeping record of the reviews you submit, adding comments on other reviews, uploading pictures of your gear, keeping track of your favorite reviewers, a personal profile, etc. You can also submit anonymous reviews.

    To try to encourage people to join and try the site out, I am giving away a 00 Musicians Friend Gift certificate. The winner will be selected from the first 50 people that register and post a review that follow the review guidelines (mainly an honest and well written review).

    Thanks for your time.

    Fabrizio M.

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  • Author
    • #77172

      Thanks for the feedback 1bassleft.

      You are right, Harmony Central has been around for quite a while and they do have lots of reviews. It’s a pretty solid website without a doubt. However I believe that there’s still room for a review site like the one at I’m hoping that with time guitarists will start noticing it.

      If you have some time, please register and give it a try. It would be great to hear what you have to say about how the site works. 😀

    • #77106

      I like its layout and style, Fabrizio. It’s better than Harmony Central in that respect, but they’ve got a lot of reviews so it’s difficult to muscle in on them. Nice job you’ve done, though. A few reviewers are “10/10” fans, which is worrying, but their descriptions are at least well written.

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