Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Restringing an Ibanez GSA20

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  • #20530

    I’m new to electric guitars, so when I went to restring my Ibanez GSA20, I for some reason thought I needed to remove the bridge to do so, so the large springs that held it in place so the whammy bar could be used came out. I got them both back in, and all my strings in, but when I tune them my bridge sticks up from the back really high, I tried adjusting the bolts that hold the front of the bridge down, but nothing works. Do I need to add an extra spring or something? Thanks for the help in advance.

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  • Author
    • #90178

      I have a GSA60 and didn’t remove the bridge but am having the same problem while restringing: my saddle rises way up at the tail end–nothing I have tried can correct it

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