Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Slide guitar

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  • #21992

    I recently was given a slide guitar that belonged to my father-in-law.
    It is a Commodore and I have been told he had it for about 40+yrs.
    I was wondering where I could find out its worth, I would never sell it but just out of interest I would like to know, I’d be very gratefull if any of you experts out there could point me in the right direction.


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    • #70009

      Definitely, and the ‘wheat from chaff’ can make a massive difference with the more obscure stuff, cheers for the extra info!

      And I must say, it may not be my (matt black) taste, but that is a stunning bit of kit and I want one! 😀

    • #70008

      Rogan, thanks for taking the time to make your contribution. As you say, even if the original thread-starter doesn’t see it (and there is usually an email notification of a new reply) your post will doubtless help out someone doing a search. Cheers again.

    • #70013

      I doubt Louis is still here, but in case he’s subscribed to the topic I thought I’d better let him know.

      Commodore was also a New Zealand guitar company from 1940 to 1960ish making these lap steels. (I’ve one of my own)

      They’re extremely rare, and a wonderful guitar, I dare say worth quite a pretty penny.
      Is what mine looks like and the only info on them I’ve found on the net.

      Good luck to you if you’re listening, if not, hope this was somewhat interesting to anyone else.

    • #69995

      Hi Louis,

      Most certainly “Lap Steel” makes a difference, at least we now know it’s not a Japanese import with a bent neck. Search eBay for lap steel guitars and see what similar 60’s Japanese import steels are selling for. Hopefully you’ll see something listed that is reasonably close to your instrument. SB

    • #70021

      Thanks for that.
      I have recently learned the type is called a `lap-steel guitar`…does that make a difference?

      Thanks again,

    • #70031

      Hi Louis,

      The Commodore trademark was the brand name of a UK company that imported Japanese guitars in the late 60’s and early 70’s. You say your guitar is a “slide” guitar which is often code for a guitar that has been set up for slide because of a warped neck. Determining value would be difficult given the information you have provided, but I would anticipate a pretty low figure since Commodore’s were entry level imports. Enjoy the instrument as a keepsake, like you said, you’re not interested in selling it anyway. SB

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