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  • #23587

    Very big news in here in Queensland and Aus at the moment. Some people have likened it to the passing of Princess Dianna, which is I think a little crazy. Each to their own.

    Nevertheless, did it make the front page of the paper in your part of the world?

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    • #127959

      Yeah, shes a bitter old witch to put it lightly.

    • #127958

      As a typically ‘restrained’ Brit, I must be one of the many who has watched Steve Irwins TV appearances over the years, only to remark ‘It’s a wonder that blokes still alive!’.

      Well, now he isn’t, and I now feel incredibly guilty for ever even thinking it. I always enjoyed his programmes, even when ridiculing them, and have to admit that he did an awful lot to raise peoples awareness of dangerous and endangered species throughout the world.

      He will be missed by many, which is a small consolation to his family.

      I read some remarks today made by Germaine Greer. I’m too polite to put a response here to what I’m thinking about HER at the moment, but needless to say I know which Antipodean I’d miss the most. That womans head is so far up her own a*se it’s unbelievable.

    • #127957

      Were also forgetting he is leaving a family too.

      I did see something today that made me shake my head, i had a job in HMV store in Romford, and noticed all the Steve DVD’s were pushed to the front on display, and good prices too.
      Coincidence perhaps? but i noticed a similar display on Johnny Cash at the back of the store, obviously had to make way for Steve.
      I never really had much time for him either, but i feel for the family.

    • #127955

      [quote=”1bassleft”]You mean you don’t have pet kangaroo anymore? What happened, did it start kicking your fridge in?[/quote]

      it didn’t get along with bill, my pet koala.

    • #127956

      You mean you don’t have pet kangaroo anymore? What happened, did it start kicking your fridge in?

    • #127953

      At risk of being burned at the stake, I’ll also refrain.

      Steve’s reptile park is only 30 mins from me, but I’ve never actually been. It’s a little worrying to think that maybe some of the money Steve would have bought into the place for the next 30 odd years, may not happen now. Maybe it will happen more, who knows.

      He sure did a lot for the world of wildlife and tourism in Aus. If wasn’t for Steve, half the world would still think we kept kangaroos as pets.

    • #127954

      First item on GMTV breakfast news (not, in itself, a very hard currency. They often lead with who got evicted from Big Brother). However, even BBC1’s 10 o’clock news had it 3rd after British tourists shot in Jordan and British soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

      I’m a bit surprised at the high-level myself. Personally, I never liked his methods even though his interest in the natural world was genuine. My black humour is already thinking up “songs not to be played at the funeral”, but I’ll keep them to myself.

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