Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Tama Classical Guitar

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  • #24371

    I have a Tama classical guitar which was purchased in 1977. I went online to do some research, and was disappointed by the lack of information available. So, I decided to check my files and amazingly found my original receipt, and the Life time Guarantee/Registration/Inspection Card which displays the Model No., Serial No, The Tama Quality Control Story, and a Guitar Checklist with the original signature of the Mfg. Quality Controller and the initials of the Distributor’s Inspector.

    Due to the lack of information online, I want to be sure to share this information with other Tama guitar owners.

    I would be happy to post photos if anyone knows where that can be done.

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  • Author
    • #70492

      Hey Dee,

      I haven’t developed the Acoustic Section of my website very extensively yet, but I do have a 1978 Tama catalog uploaded that may interest you. Besides great pictures, it discusses construction, finish, etc.

      You can see it at under the Acoustic Catalogs section. There is a subscription fee to view the catalogs so it may not be worth it to you if the Tama catalog is all that interests you. Just thought I’d let you know it is available. sb

    • #70498

      Hey Dee-dee, as Shakedown mentioned Photobucket is good for hosting (it’s the one I use) then it’s pretty simple, instructions are in the sticky:

      Ignore the rambling thread all the info is in the first post, and photobucket have since made it easier by providing the ‘IMG code’ wich is all you need. Put your cursor in there ‘Ctrl A’, ‘Ctrl C’ and the code is ready to paste in your post, including the little # bits.

      EDIT: test:

      EDIT: got rid of pic.

      yeah, I’m right about that, so upload to photobucket then drop the ‘IMG code’ into your post, thats it.

    • #70463

      I would be happy to post photos if anyone knows where that can be done.

      To post photos, create an account at and upload your photos there. You can then copy & paste the link into these forums, like I did with my pics in this post:

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